“Again” is a short experimental film, influenced by Dadaism and based on ordinary people’s everyday life. This film is actually a description of people’s microcosm who although they have plenty of choices they choose to be trapped in their own routine. In other words, people nowadays instead of living, choosing, deciding and doing whatever they want, they daily keep choosing to do the same movements, to have the same thoughts, to say the same words, to use the same meaningless-materialistic objects and to walk on the same roads.
In order to emphasize on people’s choices we use the element of the road. More specifically, in this film the road that a person walks on symbolize the choice that he makes. Most of the scenes of the film are taking place in a house which is transformed into an installation of roads. The set gives the sense of a labyrinth where 5 performers are wandering in it as they are doing the same, everyday actions, like robots. In order to emphasize on those habits that people have, some of the objects that the performers use are not real objects but a surreal, exaggerated simulation of them.
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